
This is a work in progress. However, the library has already implementations a few of the most used preprocessing techniques.

A preprocessor can be constructed by combining any number of these techniques, and is intended allow maximum configurability.


First, we need to import construct_preprocessor. This will take care of combining our preprocessors:

from nimblenet.preprocessing import construct_preprocessor

Next, we import the preprocessors we’d like to apply:

from nimblenet.preprocessing import replace_nan, standarize

Then, we combine the preprocessors. This is done by sending a list of preprocessors in addition to the dataset which we would like to fit the preprocessors againts. Note: this dataset should be the combined set of training, test and validation data.

preprocess = construct_preprocessor( dataset, [
                ( replace_nan, {"replace_with": 0 }),

This constructed preprocessor can now be applied to your datasets. Let’s take a look at how we can apply this to the XOR dataset:

from nimblenet.data_structures import Instance
dataset              = [ Instance( [0,0], [0] ), Instance( [1,0], [1] ), Instance( [0,1], [1] ), Instance( [1,1], [0] ) ]
preprocess           = construct_preprocessor( dataset, [
                            ( replace_nan, {"replace_with": 0 }),
preprocessed_dataset = preprocess( dataset )

Remember that if using a preprocessor before training the network, you will have to use the same preprocessor before using the network to predict based on new input signals.


The dataset given to construct_preprocessor should be the combined set of training, test and validation data.

Available preprocessors


from nimblenet.preprocessing import standarize

Has no parameters.

Replace NaN

from nimblenet.preprocessing import replace_nan

Takes an optional parameter replace_with. By default, it replaces NaN with the mean of the given input signal.

In order to replace NaN with zero:

from nimblenet.preprocessing import construct_preprocessor, replace_nan
from nimblenet.data_structures import Instance

dataset    = [ Instance( [0,0], [0] ), Instance( [1,0], [1] ), Instance( [0,1], [1] ), Instance( [1,1], [0] ) ]
preprocess = construct_preprocessor( dataset, [
                ( replace_nan, {"replace_with": 0 }),

Subtract Mean

from nimblenet.preprocessing import subtract_mean

Has no parameters.


from nimblenet.preprocessing import normalize

Has no parameters.


from nimblenet.preprocessing import whiten

Takes an optional parameter epsilon. By default, epsilon equals 1e-5.

In order to redefine epsilon to e.g 0.5:

from nimblenet.preprocessing import construct_preprocessor, whiten
from nimblenet.data_structures import Instance

dataset    = [ Instance( [0,0], [0] ), Instance( [1,0], [1] ), Instance( [0,1], [1] ), Instance( [1,1], [0] ) ]
preprocess = construct_preprocessor( dataset, [
                ( whiten, {"epsilon": 0.5 }),