Getting Started

This guide will walk you through how to install nimblenet and configure a network using the library.


$ pip install nimblenet

Required dependencies

  • Python 2.7
  • NumPy

Optional dependencies

  • SciPy

In order to speed up the code when using the Sigmoid activation functions, the SciPy package should also be installed. This is an optional dependency, but it is of course required if you intend to train the network using SciPy’s optimize function.

Creating a Network

Once nimblenet has been installed, initializing a network is simple. The following example creates a two layered network that require two input signals.

from nimblenet.activation_functions import sigmoid_function
from nimblenet.neuralnet import NeuralNet

settings            = {
    "n_inputs"      : 2,
    "layers"        : [  (3, sigmoid_function), (1, sigmoid_function) ]

network             = NeuralNet( settings )

The layers parameter describe the topology of the network. The first tuple state that the hidden layer should have three neurons and apply the sigmoid activation function. The final tuple in the layers list always describe the number of output signals. A list of built-in activations functions are listed in Activation Functions.


The final tuple in the layers list always describe the number of output signals.

The properties specified in the settings parameter are required. The initialization of a network is further customizable, please refer to the page Initializing a Network.

Training the Network

The network can be trained by a wide range of learning functions. In this quick intro, we will see how use RMSprop to fit the network to some training data.

First off, we need some dataset to fit the network to. In this guide, we will teach the network XOR. In nimblenet, a dataset is a list of Instances.

from nimblenet.data_structures import Instance
dataset = [
    # Instance( [inputs], [outputs] )
    Instance( [0,0], [0] ), Instance( [1,0], [1] ), Instance( [0,1], [1] ), Instance( [1,1], [0] )

The dataset above consist of four training instances with two input signals and one output signal. In general we would split the dataset into a training set and a test set, but for the XOR problem we simply specify the training and test set to be identical:

training_set = dataset
test_set = dataset

The nimblenet library also offers a selection of preprocessors to manipluate the data and make training more efficient. The preprocessors are not used in this guide, please refer to Preprocessing instead.

Before fitting the network to some training data, we need to decide which cost function we would like to optimize. There are a few cost functions already implemented in this library, and this guide will use the Cross Entropy cost function. However, it is easy to implement your own custom cost functions. Please refer to Cost Functions.

from nimblenet.cost_functions import cross_entropy_cost
cost_function = cross_entropy_cost

Now that we’ve specified a cost function, we can use RSMprop to train our network:

from nimblenet.learning_algorithms import *
        network,                            # the network to train
        training_set,                      # specify the training set
        test_set,                          # specify the test set
        cost_function,                      # specify the cost function to calculate error

        ERROR_LIMIT             = 1e-2,     # define an acceptable error limit
        #max_iterations         = 100,      # continues until the error limit is reach if this argument is skipped

If the training shows poor progression, you may try to gradient check the network to verify that the numerical and the analytical gradient are similar. If the gradient check fails, the math might be wrong. Refer to gradient checking here: Gradient Checking.

Using the Network

After the training has completed, we can verify the training by forward propagating some input data in the network. Since the network is written using matrices, we can forward propagate multiple input instances at once. In contrast to the instances generated when training the network, these instance will only be created with a single parameter (the input signal). The following code tests the output of two instances:

prediction_set = [ Instance([0,1]), Instance([1,0]) ]
print network.predict( prediction_set )
>> [[ 0.99735413]
    [ 0.99735378]]

The prediction method returns a two dimensional NumPy list (shape = [n_samples, n_outputs]). The first dimension of the list contain the outputs from the corresponing Instance.

Putting it all together

from nimblenet.activation_functions import sigmoid_function
from nimblenet.cost_functions import cross_entropy_cost
from nimblenet.learning_algorithms import RMSprop
from nimblenet.data_structures import Instance
from nimblenet.neuralnet import NeuralNet

dataset        = [
    Instance( [0,0], [0] ), Instance( [1,0], [1] ), Instance( [0,1], [1] ), Instance( [1,1], [0] )

settings       = {
    "n_inputs" : 2,
    "layers"   : [  (5, sigmoid_function), (1, sigmoid_function) ]

network        = NeuralNet( settings )
training_set   = dataset
test_set       = dataset
cost_function  = cross_entropy_cost

        network,                            # the network to train
        training_set,                      # specify the training set
        test_set,                          # specify the test set
        cost_function,                      # specify the cost function to calculate error

        ERROR_LIMIT             = 1e-2,     # define an acceptable error limit
        #max_iterations         = 100,      # continues until the error limit is reach if this argument is skipped